Stop Ageing with Red Wine
Red wine contains antioxidants that stop ageing by restoring collagen.
Fight Acne with Wine
Red wine's antiseptic properties help in fighting acne and clearing the skin.
Glowing Skin Secret
Polyphenols in wine give a natural glow to the skin.
Say Goodbye to Dandruff
Apply wine on your hair before washing to get rid of dandruff.
Best Organic Toner
Wine can be the best organic toner for your skin; cleanse your face daily.
Natural Cleanser
Mix wine with lemon juice for a clean skin; apply with a cotton pad.
Dead Skin Remover
Mix coffee powder with wine for a great exfoliator to remove dead skin naturally.
Improve Blood Circulation
Massage your face with aloe vera gel and wine mixture to improve blood circulation.
Shiny Hair Secret
Wash your hair with wine as the final rinse for shiny hair.